
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

silhouette of person between grass under black sky

Table of Contents

Happy New Year everyone! This week marks the end of week 4 of the 8 week programme as part of the accelerator Dorm. I am officially half through the initial phase of the programme.

  • Monday: Pre-recorded briefing session on the week’s mission: Run more growth experiments.
  • Wednesday: No online interview this week as the guest entrepreneur contracted COVID.
  • Saturday: No Mindset Masterclass this week as Saturday corresponded with New Year’s Day.

Not much has happened this week because of the holidays (and COVID):

Therefore this week’s blog won’t be that long. By next week things should go back to normal.

Because of the holidays I’ve been able to work on my business during the day instead of night.

I’ve also had the chance to revisit some of my old courses I purchased to do with e-commerce.

This week, I decided I needed to ‘pivot’. This means trying something different to get results.

I felt getting traction wasn’t the issue, it was actually get those people to make purchases.

Therefore as well as following my mission this week, I created an extra mission for myself.

There is a lot to share on what I have learnt this week, so I will try and summarise my key takeaways, thoughts, and findings that I think you will enjoy and benefit from the most!

person using macbook pro on brown wooden table stay hungry stay foolish
Photo by Slidebean on Unsplash

Dorm Week 4: Traction Sprint 3

This week’s mission was the last ‘traction sprint’ of the initial 8 week programme.

The goal was to improve the performance of my existing traction channel i.e. Google Ads.

That’s not to say I will stop driving traffic to my online fitness brand Reflex, I’ll still keep working on traction on a weekly basis as I work towards getting my first few sales.

Over the past week I had spent about £60/$80 on ads, and had not generated any sales.

I was getting people on my landing page, but they were not converting into buyers.

So I decided to pause my ads (to stop spending more money) and assess the situation.

It’s clear people were interested in my ads enough to click them, but maybe not my product.

One factor could be that the price of the product is too high, but I can’t sell it for any lower.

So I decided maybe I need a new product that is cheaper to encourage people to purchase.

I thought about what products I need when it came to home fitness/working out at home.

One product that came to mind was a body fat scale, something that I actually need.

I started doing research and found a reputable supplier of body fat scales at a good price.

I added the scale to my store and created another ad campaign to drive traffic to this product.

After a few days, I’ll review the data from the ads and see if I make any sales on this new item.

black and white rectangular box on white textile
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Final Thoughts of 2021

Another year complete, 2021 has certainly been interesting to say the least.

I have grown a lot this year: professionally, personally, spiritually, emotionally, and more.

Never did I think that in 2021 I would be starting a personal blog as well as a fitness brand!

I am really looking forward to 2022, having set up some good foundations in 2021.

I will continue blogging each and every week, sharing my work and journey with you.

I’ll also be working on Reflex, hoping to grow it into a successful online fitness brand.

I’m also looking forward for Dorm to get back to its regular schedule and programme.

I’m eager to hear from more young entrepreneurs as well as attend more mindset classes.

In a couple of weeks, I hope to be actually pitching my business to potential angel investors!

I’m looking forward to attending the World Youth Forum in Sharm El Sheikh Egypt in Jan 2022.

I also plan to apply to Entrepreneur First, hoping to get accepted to their cohort in April 2022.

I’ll also be applying to the Young Innovators Awards, hoping to get accepted in Dec 2022.

I am reminded of Steve Job’s famous words at Stanford University’s commencement speech:

“Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish”

Steve Jobs

One thing you can be sure of, I will continue to ‘share my work’ with you throughout 2022!

I hope you enjoyed reading my last blog of 2021. What was your favourite blog from 2021?

Let me know below. By sharing your thoughts, I’ll know what to write more about in 2022!

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